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Sunday, 15 July 2012

Follow me on my Lanzarote Delivery

Myself and Sacha have joined forces with two guys Mike and Al to sail 'Little Pea', a yacht to Lanzarote. The boat that we shall be sailing is a fancy schmancy Southerly 38.

It is intended then to go on and take part in the ARC race, a transatlantic jolly to the Caribbean. This race starts at the Canary Islands so it is there we shall leave her, in mint condition for the owner to take over and have the fun of the Atlantic in November.

It has many gadgets and gizmos and looks like it should be a fun boat to sail.
Although it has many of the mod cons that I am not used to having on boats it doesn't have an AIS sender. So unfortunately one cannot watch my progress in real time across the oceans and tell me where I am before I even know!
It does however have a satellite phone that will allow us to send our position to a programme called Mailasail. By FOLLOWING THIS LINK one may keep track of our daily updated position that is overlaid onto a map.

For those in the UK, enjoy the rain. I'm off to 27 degrees of sunshine.


  1. Hi Tom,
    Great news you are on a voyage to the Canary Islands.
    Best Wishes,
    Jan and Ivor.


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